Turn Behavior Battles Into Bonding Moments

If you've been puzzled by your child's behavior, feeling like you're navigating a maze without a map, you're not alone. Did you know 2/3 of kids in the US will experience a major traumatic event before they turn 16? This course is your guide to reveal paths to healing and connection with your child.

Does this sound familiar?

  • Struggling to understand your child's unexpected reactions or big behaviors.
  • Feeling helpless and unsure about how to support a child facing emotional challenges.
  • Witnessing a gap in communication and connection with your child.
  • Observing negative behavior patterns in kids without knowing the root cause.
  • Perplexed by your normally happy child shutting down.
  • Overusing traditional discipline methods.

As compassionate parents, caregivers, teachers, and community volunteers, let's make it our mission to bring hope and healing to the kids in our lives as they navigate a world full of big hurts and hard situations.

Why This Course

Understanding and Responding to Childhood Trauma is a 90-minute course that is helping parents as well as caregivers and volunteers:

  • Become skilled in nurturing their child’s openness and joy again.
  • Learn strategies to handle challenging behaviors
  • Build a stronger, more trusting relationship with your child or children you serve
  • Understand the 'why' behind a child's behavior and learn how to respond with empathy and love.
  • Be equipped with tools to support and empower your child through emotional hurdles.
  • Bridge the communication gap, fostering a stronger, more meaningful relationship.

This Course will help you:

  • Transform Confusion into Clarity: Learn to decode the language of your child's behavior. You'll uncover the hidden meanings behind challenging actions, turning "Why are they doing this?" into "Now I understand!"
  • Use Empathy-Driven Strategies: Equip yourself with tools that are not just effective but filled with empathy. Imagine being the superhero your child needs, armed with a cape of compassion and a shield of understanding.

Course Instructors

Tiffany Loeffler, DPT

Tiffany has been an advocate for vulnerable children since 2010 and has extensive training in trauma-informed care. She is the Founder/Executive Direcor of The Alliance and over the past decade she has worked closely with local foster agencies and nonprofits.

Tiffany and her husband Matt live in Northern California with their 3 children, 2 who were adopted from Haiti in 2017 and one by birth. In addition to nonprofit work, Tiffany holds a Doctorate in Physical and has worked in the healthcare industry since 2006.

Heidi White, MA

Heidi's passion for foster care and adoption began when she was 15 years old after watching a situation unfold in her neighborhood. She went on to receive a degree in Sociology and began her career working at a local foster family agency. She first served as an adoptions clerk and then as a group home staff.

Currently Heidi is a certified TBRI Practitioner, a CASA, and the Educator/Church Relations Director at The Alliance. She is passionate about equipping families to bring hope and healing to the kids in their care.

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